U.S. researchers say they've recognized specific individual genes targeted by the virus behind Kaposi's sarcoma, a rare cancer often within AIDS patients.
Kaposi's sarcoma is typically seen in people with weakened immune systems, such as for example those with AIDS and organ transplant patients. It can also affect elderly men of Jewish or Mediterranean heritage. Patients with the condition develop patches of reddish colored or purple cells under their skin.
The virus believed to cause Kaposi's sarcoma has "mini-molecules" called microRNAs that silence genes that suppress tumor cells and limit vascular growth. The silencing of these genes results in the unchecked blood vessel growth normal of Kaposi's sarcoma, said at group at the University of Florida.
The findings are published in the Might 11 issue of Public Library of Science Pathogens.
"The hallmarks of Kaposi's sarcoma are crimson spots full of arteries on the necks, legs and arms of patients. We think that the tumor virus is usually using microRNAs to make sure contaminated cells are well-nourished and covered from the human disease fighting capability," Rolf Renne, a co-employee professor of molecular genetics and microbiology at the College of Medicine and a member of the UF Shands Cancer Center and the UF Genetics Institute, said in a ready statement.
The findings can help in the development of new treatments for Kaposi's sarcoma, the researchers said.